Here you will find the latest news about CeGaT and our offer in the field of genetic diagnostics and sequencing services. In addition, you can access our scientific papers, which are regularly published by our interdisciplinary team. Expand your knowledge and stay up to date with our latest information and publications.
Joint analysis of germline genetic data from over 29,000 cases with suspected hereditary breast and ovarian cancer (HBOC) as part of the NASGE initiative
Jan Henkel 1, Andreas Laner 2, Melanie Locher 3, Tobias Wohlfrom 4, Birgit Neitzel 5, Kerstin Becker 6, Teresa Neuhann 7, Angela Abicht 8, Verena Steinke-Lange 9, Barbara Klink 10, Birgit Eichhorn 11, Winfried [...]
Phenotype Spectrum of TRPM3-Associated Disorders
Laura Jolitz 1 2 3 4, Ingo Helbig 5, Mark P Fitzgerald 5 6 7, Sarah McKeown Ruggiero 5, Stacey Cohen 8, Chloe Angelini 9, Elena Vallespin 10, Vincent Michaud 11 12, Anna Gerasimenko [...]
What Is the Real Diagnostic Benefit of Whole-Genome Sequencing?
Florian Battke 1, Martin Schulze 2, Björn Schulte 2 Abstract Genetic diagnostics uses sequencing to find causative variants for patients' phenotypes. Several recent publications have declared large increases in [...]