General Information

All relevant information on how to order a genetic diagnostic and securely ship your sample

Our General Information on Genetic Diagnostics

Keyvisual Diagnostik Vorteile

CeGaT’s Diagnostic Advantages

Learn what makes CeGaT’s diagnostics stand out (VUS reclassification, ACMG additional findings)

Keyvisual Stammbaum

Pedigree Creation

Create your pedigree with our free Pedigree Chart Designer

Header Stellenausschreibungen

Order Forms & Downloads

Here you will find all the documents you need to order genetic diagnostics

Keyvisual Probenversand

Notes for Sample Requirements

From comissioning to sample shipment

Keyvisual Diagnostic Support

Diagnostic Suppport

We are happy to support you with all queries and requests

myCeGaT Portal — Infos & FAQ

All information and answers to frequently asked questions

Our Accreditations

Binding standards guarantee the quality of our work: Our laboratory services are accredited according to CAP/CLIA and DIN EN ISO 15189. You can find further accreditations and certifications here.

Logo CAP

You Are also Welcome to Take a Look at the Following Areas

Genetic Counseling

Receive any information relevant to you in the field of genetic diagnostics


View our publications and inform yourself about the latest results

Contact Us

Do you have a question, or are you interested in our service?

Diagnostic Support

We will assist you in selecting the diagnostic strategy – for each patient.

Diagnostic support team of CeGaT