From Comissioning to Sample Shipment

Notes on sample material and shipment

In the following, you will learn which sample materials we require for the laboratory analysis of your ordered genetic diagnostics and how you can easily and safely send your sample to us. If you have any further questions about sample materials or sample shipment, please do not hesitate to contact us. We will be happy to advise you personally and individually!

Are you insured in Germany? Our colleagues at the Zentrum für Humangenetik Tübingen will gladly support you!

Commissioning of Genetic Diagnostics

First, select the diagnostic strategy that is right for your patient. We will be happy to advise and support you in this process. Simply call us at +49 7071 565 44 55 or contact us by mail at

Afterward, perform genetic counseling and fill out the consent form together with your patient. Patients with private insurance or orders from foreign countries need an agreement to cover costs or the information that they need a quotation before.

Collect the sample required for genetic analysis and send it together with the completed and signed order form to CeGaT GmbH (Paul-Ehrlich-Strasse 23, D-72076 Tübingen). We will also gladly send you sample shipping boxes to safely transport your sample. This service can be requested here and is free of charge for you.

Required Sample Material

The sampling for human genetic diagnostics doesn’t require any special preparation for the patient. Therefor it can be done at any time of day.

Always include fully completed order forms with all samples so that sample analysis can be performed quickly. In particular, the consent form signed by the patient (or relatives and family members) and the physician’s signature on the order form are essential.

In the case of incomplete order forms, missing physician’s signature and information on the submitter, missing referral forms, and unclarified cost coverage, processing will be delayed until all required documents have been received.

Aside from missing documents, other incidents that can cause a delay in the process or put a stop to it entirely, are unlabeled samples, expired sample tubes, coagulated blood samples, samples that are too old or too small, damaged or have leaked.

Of course, you can also use other sample types for genetic analysis. Please get in touch with us in case of other sample types or general questions regarding sample materials.

Possible Sample Types for Germline Diagnostics

EDTA Blood*

Isolated DNA

DBS Cards

Required sample material

1 ml - 2 ml EDTA blood

1 µg -2 µg DNA

Two DBS cards per patient

(total of ten spots)

Transport requirements

The sample can be shipped at

room temperature.

The sample can be shipped at

room temperature.

The sample can be shipped at

room temperature.

Sample Shipment

The sample should arrive at the laboratory within fourteen days.

Not time sensitive.

Not time sensitive.


If blood collection is done late in the evening, it is possible to store the blood samples in the refrigerator (or at room temperature; do not freeze) overnight and ship the next day. Samples should not be exposed to direct sunlight.

If possible, please indicate the measured concentration as well as

the substance in which the DNA is dissolved (e.g., water, EB buffer).

*Recommended sample type

How to Use DBS Cards

For easy sample shipment of blood cards, please follow these instructions.

Complete the order form with the informed consent and signature of the patient. Collect the blood sample from the patient. Use regular EDTA blood tubes for collection, collect a minimum of 2 ml of blood. Mix well after obtaining the sample.

Prepare the blood cards on a clean, dry, and flat surface. Transfer 100 μl EDTA blood sample in the middle of each of the ten spots on the two blood spot cards. Complete patient name, date of birth, and date of sample collection on both blood spot cards. If you are sending more than one patient (e.g. exome trio) use two cards for each patient. You can ship all samples for one cohort in one envelope.

Pipette 100 μl of required sample or approximately 4 drops onto the circle without touching the surface of the filter paper. The circle should be filled with blood. The entire circle should be uniformly saturated but the blood spots must not be connected.

Please avoid undersaturation or oversaturation of the card. Do not touch the surface of the filter paper.

Dry both blood spot cards at room temperature for at least two hours. When dried, cover the filter with the paper flap.

Please do not stack or cover the blood spot cards while drying. Drying with heat (e.g. hairdryers, heating, microwave, etc.) will damage the DNA. Do not store the filtercards in the refrigerator or freezer while drying.

Place both blood spot cards in the plastic protective sleeve for protection during transport. Remove the pink cover and close the plastic flap of the envelope. Mail both blood spot cards and the order form(s) in the pre-addressed envelope to us.

  • Download consent order forms.
  • Always send a signed consent order form with every sample.
  • Name and date of birth must be written on the order form and each dried blood spot card.
  • Always store the blood spot cards in a dry place at room temperature. Once the sample has dried, place the card in the plastic protective sleeve. In warm and humid climates, please send cards within one week.
  • Dried blood spot specimens are considered non-infectious, nonregulated, exempt materials by the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT), the International Air Transporter Association (IATA), and the World Health Organizations (WHO). Local regulations and institutional policies must be adhered to.

Possible Sample Types for Tumor Diagnostics

FFPE Tumor Tissue*

Isolated Tumor DNA

Liquid Biopsy (cfDNA)

Required sample material

Tumor content of at least 20% FFPE tumor block: 5x5x5 mm or FFPE slides with tumor tissue: Ten unstained tissue sections, tissue size: 5×5 mm, 4-10 µm

200 ng tumor DNA, tumor content of at least 20%.

Tumor content for CancerDetect® at least 1%

Tumor content for CancerPrecision®   at least 20%

3×10 ml cfDNA tubes (e. g. STRECK tubes)

Transport requirements

The sample can be shipped at

room temperature.

The sample can be shipped at

room temperature.

The sample can be shipped at room temperature. Please note: the sample must not be frozen (gDNA contamination).

Sample shipment

Not time sensitive.

Not time sensitive.

The sample should be delivered to our in-house laboratory within 7 days.


If possible, please include the correspoding histopathology report and H&E staining slide.

If possible, please indicate the measured concentration as well as the substance in which the DNA is dissolved (e.g., water, EB buffer).

*Recommended sample type

Sample Shipment

Please check that all information is complete before sending your sample:

  • Labeled patient sample (name and date of birth)
  • Signed and completed order form
  • Patient’s name
  • Submitting physician
  • Invoice recipient
  • Requested analysis
  • Clinical and family history

Lab Address

CeGaT GmbH
Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 23
D-72076 Tübingen

Sample shipment by mail is possible daily. Special forms of shipment (e.g., express) are not necessary. Please note the correct declaration as “Biological sample of category B” or UN3373 marking of the shipment, if required by your sample type (e. g., EDTA blood, saliva sample).

Order Sample Collection Kits

Order your required shipping material free of charge.

Please select the sample boxes you require:

Please enter your shipping address:

The fields marked with (*) are mandatory and must be completed.


Sample Shipping Instruction

Contact Us

Do you have a question, or are you interested in our service?

The fields marked with (*) are mandatory and must be completed.

Diagnostic Support

We will assist you in selecting the diagnostic strategy – for each patient.

Diagnostic support team of CeGaT