Research & Pharma Solutions Workflow

How we realize your project

We are happy to see that you want to learn more about our process workflow. Thus, we will give you more insights here. Take the chance and expand your knowledge about our process.

For further questions feel free to contact us. We are happy to discuss your project and adjust our services and workflows according to your clinical study or research project, if needed.

When getting in contact, please specify sample information including starting material, number of samples, preferred library preparation option, preferred sequencing depth and required bioinformatic analysis level, if possible.

Our Workflow

Icon process flow

Support & Offer

Support &

Icon zur Darstellung eines Prozessablaufs
Icon process flow

Sample Receipt & Quality Control

Icon zur Darstellung eines Prozessablaufs
Icon process flow

Library Preperation & Sequencing

Icon zur Darstellung eines Prozessablaufs
Icon process flow

Bioinformatic Analysis & Data Delivery

How a Project Is Realized

Support & Offer

Initially, we are happy to learn more about your project:

  • What is your goal?
  • Which kind of analyses do you consider?
  • Which requirements do you have?

These questions help us to find the best strategy and solution for your research question.

Once we found a suitable solution, we are happy to provide you with a quotation for the chosen services. Our dedicated Customer Care Team will get in contact with you.

Sample Receipt & Quality Control

After the quotation is accepted, the samples can be shipped to our headquarter in Tübingen. For your convenience, the sample receipt is confirmed.

Afterwards, we perform a quality control. You will get informed about the quality of each of your samples.

Library Preparation & Sequencing

The preparation of the sequencing libraries is tailored to your needs, as agreed on within the accepted offer. During the process of library preparation, a couple of quality controls accrue.

The sequencing itself is performed as described in the offer. You can always trust that we meet the highest quality standards. Your samples are processed analogously to our diagnostic samples.

Bioinformatic Analysis & Data Delivery

Our bioinformatic analyses are performed in-house. Thus, our dedicated team of bioinformaticians evaluates the sequencing results before transmitting the data to you. Data delivery is done as committed in the quote. All our offered data delivery options ensure secure delivery of your data.

Contact Us

Do you have a question or are you interested in our service? Feel free to contact us. We will take care of your request as soon as possible.

Start Your Project with Us

We are happy to discuss sequencing options and to find a solution specifically tailored to your clinical study or research project.

When getting in contact, please specify sample information including starting material, number of samples, preferred library preparation option, preferred sequencing depth and required bioinformatic analysis level, if possible.