The exome accounts for only about 2% of the whole genome, approximately 85% of all known disease causing variants are located within the exons. In addition, our proprietary design also covers more than 46,000 non-coding variants described as disease-relevant in the databases HGMD and ClinVar. Our singleton exome enrichment, providing deep and homogenous coverage of all known disease-causing regions of the genome.
Single ExomeXtra® is the best possible whole exome diagnostics (WES) test for an individual patient. Based on a precise description of the patient’s phenotype, an individualized list of candidate genes associated with their symptoms is created. This includes all clinically relevant genes, as well as genes associated with differential diagnoses, based on the Human Phenotype Ontology (HPO) and internal databases.
Are you insured in Germany? Our colleagues at the Zentrum für Humangenetik Tübingen will gladly support you!
What We Offer with This Service
Our Promise to You
Service Details
Medical Report with:
- variants with clinical relevance (ACMG class 3, 4, 5) — more information
- genome-wide detection of copy number variants (CNV) — more information
- interpretation and classification of variants based on ACMG guidelines
- assessment of genetic relevance for family planning
- recommendations for clinical disease management and further tests, when applicable
Additional Services:
- ACMG gene panel — more information
- pharmacogenetics — more information
- HLA typing — more information
Sample Report
Our Standard Sample Requirements
- 1 ml–2 ml EDTA blood (recommended sample type)
- Genomic DNA (1 µg–2 µg)
- DBS cards, buccal swabs, or saliva are also possible
Here you can find more information on how to ship your sample safely.
Other sample material sources are possible on request. Please note: In case of insufficient sample quality, the analysis might fail. If you have more than one option of samples, please contact us ( and we will assist you in choosing the optimal sample for your patient.
Further Information
Saskia Biskup about ExomeXtra®
Webinar: Learn How We Can Help You Solve Complex Patient Cases
Webinar: Better than exome, smarter than genome
Designing the best possible exome
Contact Us
Do you have a question, or are you interested in our service?
Diagnostic Support
We will assist you in selecting the diagnostic strategy – for each patient.