CeGaT received first prize in the STEM*-enterprise competition for human resources development and retention of women in the company at yesterday’s awarding ceremony of the State of Baden-Württemberg.
CeGaT’s Managing Director Dr. Dirk Biskup and contributor Dr. Claudia Durand accepted the STEM-enterprise award at the House of Economy in Stuttgart from commissioner of the state government for SME and Crafts, Peter Hofelich. The prize went to the biotech company because of its strong promotion and support of women in STEM-professions. For example, there are women represented in leadership positions and approximately 70% of CeGaT’s employees are women. The majority of these women have a PhD in natural science in the fields of biology, biochemistry or bioinformatics. The reconciliation of work and family life is of high importance for CeGaT. In addition to this commitment within the company, CeGaT also pursues a targeted and integrated STEM promotion of female talent at school and participates in many initiatives, such as Girls’ Day Academy, STEM Ambassador, and Women of the future.
*German = MINT