Genetic Diagnostics

We identify the cause of genetic diseases and support you in finding the best treatment solution

Our Service Portfolio

Keyvisual Genetische Beratung

Genetic Consultation

Genetic consultation provides information for decisions on genetic testing

CeGaTs genetisches Vorsorgepanel ist die optimale personalisierte Gesundheitsvorsorge zur frühzeitigen Erkennung genetischer Erkrankungen.


Understand genetic risk factors – plan individual health care

Family Planning

Individual family planning, by using state-of-the-art molecular genetic methods

Keyvisual der Pränataldiagnostik

Prenatal Diagnostics

Understanding genetic conditions – prior to birth

Keyvisual der seltenen Erkrankungen

Rare Diseases

Using the latest molecular genetic methods, we determine the cause of the disease

Keyvisual von CancerNeo

Tumor Diseases

Genetic tumor diagnostics provides the information basis for treatment decisions

Keyvisual Single Gene and Segregation Analysis

Single Gene Testing

For the focused analysis of single genes or familial variants

Diagnostic Methods

Optimized for a wide range of questions from medical diagnostics

Keyvisual Pedigree Chart Designer

General Information

All relevant information on how to order a genetic diagnostic and securely ship your sample

What Is Genetic Diagnostics?

Genetic Diagnostics is an interdisciplinary field combining both natural sciences and medicine. It requires expertise in biochemistry, biology, bioinformatics and human genetics. Recent developments in our understanding of the human genome have made it possible to detect more and more disease causing changes to DNA.

All findings related to a patient’s DNA are summarized in a medical report. This medical report is sent to the referring physician. The medical report confirms or excludes a suspected diagnosis. It can be used for a prognosis of the patient’s disease, to select the most promising drugs, to avoid ineffective drugs, and to consult the family.

Our Accreditations

Binding standards guarantee the quality of our work: Our laboratory services are accredited according to CAP/CLIA and DIN EN ISO 15189. You can find further accreditations and certifications here.

Have a Look at the Following Areas as Well

Order Forms and Downloads

Find all the documents you need to order genetic diagnostics

CeGaT Portal – Information and FAQ

Information and frequently asked questions abut our myCeGaT portal

Contact Us

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Diagnostic Support

We will assist you in selecting the diagnostic strategy – for each patient.

Diagnostic support team of CeGaT